Interpage Free Fax, Messaging, and Voice Services
Phone: (650)331 3900 Fax: (650)292 1600
Test the send and receive quality of your fax - send a fax to (650) 530-9014, which upon successful receipt will be faxed back to you!
Send a free SMS/text or MMS/picture/multimedia message to your own phone!
Test the voice quality of your phone; call (510) 315-1211, leave a message, and it will be replayed at the calling number!
Click above to send a page for free, or send a message to an Interpage Messaging/Paging Customer
Click on the image/charts above for additional information on the given service(s). Interpage does not collect or sell the information from the free test fax, messaging/paging, voice and other services. Please review the Interpage Privacy Policies for full details.