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Hello, and thank you for applying for service with us!

This form provides information to activate a week-long free trial for Interpage's Fax Gateway (Send-fax) (OutFax) service. Customers who wish to activate non-OutFax accounts (such as InFax, FaxUp, WebFaxPro, FaxBox, or specialized OutFax or other fax services iterated on the Fax Services or Fax Rates Pages, OutVoice, Messaging/Paging Gateway, or other non-faxing services), please go to the Generic Signup page for details and activation.

To activate a free OutFax trial account, please print out the form below, fill out all the indicated fields (clearly writing your e-mail address), sign it, and fax it back to +1 (650) 292-1600.

You may also download a PDF version of the trial form, print and complete it, and fax it back to the above number.

Upon receipt, we will activate a trial account, and send you written confirmation and usage instructions via e-mail.

Our Terms of Service may be reviewed on Interpage's Terms of Service and Policies and Privacy Policies pages, or via telnet access by logging in to interpage.net as a guest without using a password.

If you have any questions about signing up, or other questions about our services, please use our Support/Inquiry Submission Page, or call +1 (650) 331-3900. Our fax number is +1 (650) 292-1600. (An alternate fax of +1 (617) 850-0420 is also available.)

Thank you for your interest in Interpage!



       City, State, Zip:.......................................................................

       Day voice phone:.....................................................................

       Evening voice phone:...............................................................

       Cellphone/pager for us to reach you:.........................................

       Fax phone:.............................................................................

       Email for us to reach you:........................................................

RATEPLAN: Free OutFax Trial 00FT

I am aware of and fully understand all of Interpage's policies concerning my service with Interpage Network Services Inc. (INSI). I agree to abide by these policies, and understand that willful, negligent, or flagrant disregard for the policies set forth in the policy statement, or any other behavior which unreasonably compromises the stability, security, or operability of the Interpage system, will constitute sufficient grounds for immediate suspension and/or termination of service, at the sole discretion of INSI. I hereby waive all claims which I may assert against Interpage for service disruptions, outages, and difficulties, and understand and agree that I will not hold Interpage responsible for any losses, financial or otherwise, which I may experience as a result of a service difficulties. (Signature is required for activation of the free trial account)

      Printed Name:..........................................................................

      Date:................. Signature:......................................................

Mailing Address:

    Interpage Network Services, Inc.
    Mail Stop 2001 Attn: Activations, Building #2
    Box 4022
    Hartford, CT 06147

    Fax Signup: +1 (650) 292-1600, alternate: (617) 850-0420.

A copy of the Interpage Policy statement as well as other forms and documents may be found on our Web/FaxUp form server with a "guest" login (and no password).
For additional information, you may Return to the Interpage Home Page or contact us via email, postal mail, telephone or fax.

Rev 0062/2007, (c)INSI
Last modified 01/05/2015

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